最近のMinecraftのアップデートには、名前の通り「Vibrant Visuals」(鮮やかなビジュアル)と呼ばれる新しいグラフィックスショーケースが導入されました。これは、Minecraftの世界をより鮮明でリアルなものにするために、ゲームのグラフィックスを改善するものです。このアップデートにより、プレイヤーはより美しい景色を楽しむことができ、新しいブロックやアイテムのデザインも追加されました。
4:13 Is this your own gameplay or part of their video? Because I swear it better not have the hand hud issue that RTX has on higher fovs.. In which it makes your hand/tool/item etc appear closer to the centre and not even at the bottom of the screen. As seen with that pickaxe.
Ok I watched more of the video and yeah its definitely your gameplay because its been running the same clip for a couple minutes and you even said it was you. Thank god cuz I was worried that hand/hud issue was gonna remain a thing with VV.
emissive glowing eyes are way too bright 2:12
This is Mojang we’re talking about. I’m sure they’ll promptly cancel this project in 2 years
We have shaders for bedrock before GTA 6
Making visuals more heavily based on shaders/lighting is actually quite a smart way of solving the recent (well, cumulated enough to be noticeable recently) artstyle problem.
It matters less how consistent the models & textures are if the end visuals will be mostly dictated by universal post-processing effects.
Sidenote: Come to think of it, do “perpetual” shaders make a game’s artstyle feel more consistent in general? I’ll have to go through games on my Steam library one day to put them on a graph of least to most shader-heavy, artstyle-consistent and variable-environment; but I probably won’t come around to it due to how hard it is to measure those things.
Omg I just now realized if this will affect *everything* in the game I can’t wait to see how The Nether or The End looks like with Vibrant Visuals
Finally Console Gets OFFICIAL SHADERS I’ve Been On a Huge Minecraft Burnout Having No Incentive To Play The Game But When This Texture Update Arrives Hopefully It Doesn’t Lock Achievements Like Some Resource Packs Do Already
Mojang should hire people that already made shaders for Java to make it. Im glad I’m FINALY gonna get shaders!!
i hope texture pack makers will be able to take advantage of it
I’m shocked I haven’t seen the shadows in other shaders. I love this so much.