Stream highlight
5:57 background prep(on stream) today! / 7:53
8:50 didn’t drink motion sickness medicine today, talk about her motion sickness
10:12 Koyo cutoff
12:30 she’s going to tidy all these messy chests today!
13:35 15:37 cute
14:52 Kanata English
20:30 Kanata put the Conan fit back on cuz pekora was such a good senpai ytd *but then she realized she can’t use elytra with that*
23:10 Kanata thought it’s free but it’s actually fee
26:25 my room is clea…realistic right? / tidying up chest
32:51 cute
33:32 Journalist Koyo & Vivi / 34:28 roasted by Koyo over her fee pon
36:52 Kanata spilled some tea on her keyboard, cute
*[New development on Vivi’s case!]*
40:10 impressed by Nikotan’s house
42:22 Nikotan is making this bathtub for Lui
45:28 *K: you are actually a suspect for a certain case..Nikotan starts chuckling!?*
47:51 silent sleep
48:29 Nikotan whispering: Vivi staged the whole thing?!
50:47 Chihaya is another suspect!?
52:10 Kanata swears she’ll find out the real suspect for Nikotan
53:40 Chihaya’s thighs.. / back to tidying chest
1:00:35 1:04:00 1:07:55 1:14:53 cute
1:02:42 Cafe Upao’s mascot
1:27:03 cute OCD moment
1:30:44 K: these chests kinda look neat now…aaaaa
1:35:32 more messy chest GYAAAA / 1:39:00 and there’s more
1:42:04 Koyo knocking the door asking for copper
1:43:35 銅ぞ / *Detective Koyo & criminal Kanata*
1:46:55 messy chest
1:50:14 cute
1:56:51 AAAAAAAA
1:58:04 thank you
2:03:43 this timing
2:06:10 Nenechi kun & Kanata kun!
2: 10: 16 Shimamura talk w/ Vivi
2:15:48 *Being silly in front of Polka cam!* (Polka vod 9:10)
2:18:08 *Nenechi inviting cameraman Polka for an elytra run* / poor Nene
2:22:16 2:22:42 cute
2:33:25 enchanting equipment / sorrrrrrry!!
2:34:52 not enough level, cute
2:35:40 finally didn’t fall into that ranch
2:40:12 cute
2:44:14 why English lol / 2:48:12 passion sign
2:46:46 cute
2:51:05 KanaVivi cute
2:54:49 *cute kouhai Vivi*
2:57:20 2:58:17 cute / safe!
2:48:45 look at her chests they are much more tidy now! / 3:01:20 Byebye~
作業デー予定をゲリラで配信してくれて嬉しかった!チェスト綺麗になっていくにつれてかなたんもA型みたいになっていくのおもろかったw リアル作業も頑張ってね!