「MINECRAFT NEW WORLD SERVER」は、Minecraftをプレイするためのサー��ーです。このサー��ーでは、プレイ��ーたちが��し������るように�����がされています。そして、今回はエンド(エンドドラ��ン)と��ばれる特��な��ス��に����するための�����を行います。
am i the only one that has ptsd,add,dvd,cringe, etc everytime she opens her ALWAYS FULL inv? lol how can she do it.
I thought Fubuki said that there are only one ender dragon in the latest server, so it wouldnt revive again??
Thank you Biboo
Youtube ate my earlier comment but thanks for the fun prepping stream, Biboo! You did a really good job today, Advent is almost ready to take on the Ender Dragon and I’m glad to hear John Cat is liking his new home! Cats usually don’t like change so I’m happy to hear to hear he is settling in so quickly. My cat tip would be to play lots with him now when he is a kitten and do things together to socialise and bond with him, and I’d also recommend to look into cat body language. You can tell alot about how they feel from small things one might miss (ears, tail, behavior) but beyond that, John Cat is going to be super happy to have you as an owner and I wish you both much joy in each others company
Fatalis when?
Thanks for the stream Biboo!
I don’t know will this tips help but here my experience as owner of cat over 10 years.
Kitten tends to learn certain behavior and make it their habit for entire life, for example my cat love to sleep on my bed/sleep right beside me/sleep on me.
The reason was when she was still a kitten I usually pick her up and let her sleep on me, so if John Cat already comfort sleeping right beside you it is means He see you as protector/someone who can trust and really good start.
Cat will really like to sleep next to anything with your scent in that case too(Mine will just sit on my blanket)
Here are some cat tips
As someone said in another comment watch for body language, specifically the ears and tail. The tail most importantly, if a cat is feeling excited or irritated its tail will move rapidly. If its ears bend back then that means that it is angry and wants its space.
If a cat rolls on its back and shows you its stomach that means that it trusts you enough to put itself in a vulnerable position.
When it comes to toys most of the cats I’ve had enjoyed the toys with bells in them. Usually I use these little toy balls with bells inside them. The bell attracts them and it gives them something to chase
Get a scratching post. If you don’t the cat will scratch at your furniture.
Some cats can be VERY picky with what they eat. If they’ve been eating a certain food for a certain amount of time and suddenly switch to a different flavor or brand they will barely touch it let alone eat it. If you’re switching food, doesn’t matter if it’s the same brand, get a small amount if you can and see if they will tolerate it so you won’t be spending a large amount on something they will not eat or can’t eat.
There may be a time where crust will form around the cats eyes. What you can do is dampen a cloth with warm water and gently wipe it away from the cat’s eyes.
If your cat has light fur be careful with dark color clothes because cat hair will stick to it like velcro.
I hope all these tips help you out Biboo
Does anyone remember what the shader she uses is called? Looks pretty dope