は、マクドナルドのQuarter Pounder with Cheeseというメニューを使ったASMR動画と、マインクラフトというゲームのプレイ動画を組み合わせたものです。
マクドナルドのQuarter Pounder with Cheeseは、アメリカ発祥のバーガーチェーンであるマクドナルドの主力メニューのひとつです。メインのパティにチーズがトッピングされ、その上にレタスやトマトが乗せられています。ASMR動画では、マクドナルドの店内の雰囲気を再現し、Quarter Pounder with Cheeseをゆっくりと食べる音や、注文を受ける音などを録音し、視聴者のリラックスや満足感を高めることが狙いとされます。
このように、ASMR McDonalds Quarter Pounder with Cheese and Minecraft Let’s Playは、視聴者のリラックスや心地よさを促すことを目的として、ASMRとマクドナルドのメニューそしてマインクラフトのゲームプレイを組み合わせて作られた動画です。これらの動画を通して、視聴者はマクドナルドの食べ物やマインクラフトの世界を楽しめるだけでなく、ASMRの効果を感じることができるでしょう。
Howdy Morpheus. Let’s keep Mr. Al Gorythm happy and leave a comment. To the ASMR Jester from Melrose, MA. We love you! Thanks for doing what you do.
(Also sorry for writing an entire novel I didn’t realize it was this long of a text lol)
Hi Morpheus I wanted to tell you about how to beat the game and get in the ender dragon fight so basically Morpheus the first thing you want to do is go back to the fortress in the nether then go to one of the blaze spawners (they look like one block tall metal cages) and find some blazes and kill them until you get 16 blaze rods once you get the blaze rods put them in a crafting table and craft them into blaze powder next travel around the nether until you find a forest with blue leaves (it’s also called a warped forest) then once you find the forest next build a small little building and make a 2 block tall short tunnel it and look at some endermans to get them mad at you so they go towards the hole so just stay in the hole because there to tall to fit in it and then from there you can kill them until you get 32 ender pearls once you get the ender pearls put them into a crafting table with the blaze powder and craft 32 eyes of ender (you only need 12 of these to activate the portal to get to and fight the ender dragon but to get to it you need to throw them in the air to have them guide you to the ender portal and they can sometimes break and leave you with less of them so it’s better to be safe then sorry) so yeah once you get those ender eyes throw them into the sky by pressing right click on your mouse or using the use key on your key board then follow where the ender eyes travel and wait for them to drop then pick them back up and repeat the process eventually the eyes will go and sink into the ground into a structure called the stronghold where the ender portals at you’ll have to look around the strongholds hallways and stairs where you’ll eventually find a room where the ender portals in once you find it there will be a spawner (the cage) which will spawn some sliver fish that will attack you break the spawner and kill the remaining silver fish next up go to the ender portal and click on each of the ender portal blocks to place the ender eyes to light the portal when you place all the eyes in the ender portal it will light and then jump through it now before going in it I recommend getting a lot of food (like two full stacks of it) and getting a set of full enchanted diamond armor and tools and getting a bow with atleast two stacks of arrows and 4 shields to fight the dragon now once your there ether dig to the surface of the dragons island or build a bridge across to it depending on where you spawn there you will then see a bunch of towers around the dragon that will heal it on top of the middle of these towers will be purple and white cubes that heal the dragon you need to destroy you can ether shoot them and explode them with your bow or build up to them and destroy them with your hands (I recommend using the bow) the dragon might come and try to hit you so before it does pull out your shield to deflect the damage once all the crystals are destroyed finish off the dragon by going to where it perches down and hit it until it gets defeated and by that you’ll succeed in beating the dragon once it’s dead a dragon egg will spawn on the top of the portal in the middle of the island hit the dragon egg and it will teleport then find it and dig a space one block wide underneath it then use a torch and put it underneath it then break the block between it and the egg and the egg will drop down to be picked up grab it and jump through the portal in the middle of the island and with that you have beaten the dragon and gotten its egg
(I’m going to try to keep reposting this on videos until he sees it)
chill guy
Hey morph new game recommendation for your asmr gaming world of battleships
Yes Minecraft is back on the menu people
You didn’t have to make so many trips to fill that trench with water. You could have re-scooped and used the water that was already in that trench. Water can give you infinite water without running out so long as there are other water blocks next to it.