マインクラフトニュース – 移動性の減少とより多様な動物のバリアント – スナップショット25W02A
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As a professional game dev, moving faster diagonally is a common bug from beginner game devs not normalizing the WASD inputs. It doesn’t make physical sense to move faster diagonally. Bedrock came later and actually implemented movement correctly (rare Bedrock win).
What’s unfortunate is that the community has had 15 years to get used to the bug, and now it feels weird to have it finally fixed. I agree that this is pretty major from a parkour player’s perspective, but I can see how it slipped by the devs as “Oh, this is a clear bug that should’ve been fixed ages ago. Let me change one line and we’re good.”
i love the leavs on the ground but i would like them to despawn to so its like still easy to clear terain cuz they gonna be a pain
Come on, we have to see the moobloom and muddy pig from minecraft earth in this update, right?
I have to say that these game drops are a bit frustrating as a server owner.
As it makes it a bit harder to plan when to update a servers maps so that the new features are available without having to travel so far away.
Is it weird that I’m hyped for movement nerfs based on just the title alone? Why is slower movement more appealing to me?
They trying so hard to make me not want to update anymore. First string dupers, now movement
Parkour is a core part of the community as is PVP. Both are majorly screwed over by movement changes.
Really hoping for highland cows.
Maybe the sheep one would be wool length or maybe horns