so they’re all ready to be used and played! First, I created a new mod using Java. This mod allows players to add new elements and features to their Minecraft world, such as new blocks, items, and tools. Next, I coded in your idea for a new type of ore that can be found underground. When mined, this ore drops rare gems that players can use to craft special weapons and armor. I also included your suggestion for a pet system, where players can tame and train animals to accompany them on their adventures. These pets have unique abilities and can help players in battle. Finally, I added in your concept for a new boss mob that players can fight and defeat for valuable rewards. With these new features, players can experience a whole new level of excitement and challenge in their Minecraft gameplay.
Make zombies to fight with their toe and when they hit you you fall to the ground like in boxing and then you stand up by pressing I and make when you hit a zombie he falls to the ground then he stands up back and continue fighting with this skills advanced like F if you press then you ulimite punch
make it so that all blocks are alive
Give chickens the possibility to pick up stuff, take on armor and use tools/build things/attack you/hunt
add oil (and of course, americans)
Let’s go new video 2:16
Make so that each time it rains there is a probability that there will be LITERALLY raining cats and dogs
Each Time You Jump The World Gets Smaller Until You Jumped One Last Time And The World Is Completely Void
Okay new cool idea.a sword has a cool custom sound and ability with a detailed a sword that uses the abilities from a warden as a cool sword or even an enderman sword that can teleport with a hit.
Basically cool swords and fun sounds!
Make it so every time u jump caseoh spawns out of no where and then he jumps and u know the rest. But Use Code ELEMENTX