Does it work with keyboard and mouse
If the Dreamcast had lasted longer than 5 minutes, they definitely would’ve brought out a dual-analogue controller.
If it has a screen it can run minicraft (what I call it)
A new version of classicube has just launched that runs better and features sound on Dreamcast. The online does work but works better with a broadband adapter because the modem has such a slow speed. It does work tho I have used it, if I remember correctly there are certain servers on there that are made with Dreamcast in line that work better
I play the Dreamcast online frequently, and have played classicube a fair bit. One thing to note with fps games on Dreamcast controller. Most if not all Dreamcast fps games have a default control scheme of using the face buttons to move and the analog stick to aim which is miles better than the default control scheme for classicube (not sure why they chose it as the default) but anyway you can change the controls to match this control scheme and fps games are far more smooth to play with that control scheme imo
This is legit. I have both a Dreamcast and Dream Pi. I never thought I would see a port of ‘Minecraft’ on the Dreamcast.
Doomblocks = Minecraft, but can it run Doom.
Aw, yeah! This is craftin’!
You “could” use the gamepad, but why do that when sega made such a nice mouse and keyboard for the dreamcast.