アイブロッサムケープを手に入れるためには、特定の条件を満たす必要があります。Java版の場合、Minecraft Marketplaceでアイブロッサムキャンペーンのマッシュアップパックを購入するか、特別なコードを入力することでアンロックすることができます。もしアイブロッサムキャンペーンを購入した場合は、ケープは自動的に追加されます。コードを使用する場合は、マインクラフトの公式ウェブサイトでコードを引き換えることができます。
*Hey everyone just like the MCC Cape, it can not be unlocked on day 1. You’ll have to come back every day to complete the Daily Challenges. I’m guessing you can do it all on the final day but that’s not been confirmed yet! Come back tomorrow for the 2nd challenge guide!*
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Elemental Ecko’s –
00:00 Event details
2:09 Java Players listen
5:10 How to get the cape
6:58 Mini-Games and Stickers
10:36 Dropper mini-game
13:08 Mob Factory mini-game
17:59 Bug Squash!
My 1st day challenge is not working.
It’s so laggy on mobile
mojang i cant get the cape because whenever i join the event my crushes i dont play java i dont want to miss out one this cape pls give me it for free pls theres nothing i can do
I’m getting screwed because game pass is required and I’m broke, not okay Mojang not okay
It is always a good time for a break from big builds. I am on the event riding the rollercoaster ride and it was on it for a while when it was finished I was out on the other side of the map lol.
I completed the hard dropper in 11 secs
Anyone beating me?
Can the event just alow packs to work that get rid of particals cause these would actually make it so it able to work
Извиняюсь что на русском. Для меня самым тяжелый – дроппер. Ну не умею я играть в него…мне осталось на 15 секунд +3 звезды там и найти овечку , после 4 дневных задания
anyone else cant complete the day 1 challenge, i think its not tracking properly