私は、Impossible Minecraft SMPと呼ばれるサーバーでサバイバルガイドを作成しました。このサーバーは、プレイヤーが生き残ることがほぼ不可能な挑戦的なサーバーです。私は、このサーバーで生き残るための重要なヒントや戦略をまとめ、ガイドを作成しました。
サバイバルガイドを通じて、私はImpossible Minecraft SMPでの生き残り方を皆さんと共有し、より多くのプレイヤーがこの挑戦的なサーバーを楽しめるようにしたいと思っています。皆さんもぜひ、私のガイドを参考にして、このサーバーで楽しく遊んでみてください!
Some survival tips I got from watching Mcmakistein:
Sharks – holding a fish prevents it from attacking you
Cows – holding an empty bucket prevents the milk bullets from hurting you
Additionally some suggestions that I have:
Try towering over the lava monster near the village and pour water all over it from above to prevent the lava from approaching spawn.
Kill the zombies the same way you killed the mini iron golems – go up 2 blocks or put them in a hole
Could you try fishing then dropping behind a glass wall, then collect the fish all at once safely?
The house is so cute T.T HE A BUILDA
Mr Makistein is an evil genius. He saw everyone having a peaceful time farming and fishing and took like no time changing it to pain & torture
Oooh the building has improoved so much- its really pretty
I like the open glas window-
“Grian, I’ve got a little situation in my attic.” rofl Going to use this line next time I see one in my house!
I honestly think armor is kind of useless in this series until you can get high protection diamond/netherite armor. Iron just doesn’t have enough defense to protect you from more than a single shot, and then you lose everything. Save the iron to use on tools, not armor, and just only use a shield. If you need more than the shield, you aren’t making it out anyway.
With the updated spiders, I may not be able to continue watching the series