マインクラフトは、モジャン社が開発したサンドボックスタイプのゲームで、プレイヤーは自由にブロックを使って建物や構造物を作ったり、冒険したりすることができます。この人気ゲームの次のアップデートが「ザ・ガーデン・アウェイクンズ(The Garden Awakens)」という名前で発表されました。
ngl.. the bouncy exp balls are so charming to me, i could watch them all day
Are they going to break your knee caps if you don’t use the right (new) terminology or something?
Idk why people having issue with the naming honestly.
Drops are smaller content updates or technical changes such are bundles and hardcore.
Snapshots are a Java version of the preview which is just public beta testing
Updates are larger sized content drops more focusing on a theme like the Nether update or caves and cliffs
Release candidates are the public betas focused on just bug fixes and polishing (like a public alpha)
Experimental changes are focusing on technical changes that maybe deemed controversial and require community feedback…but it also isn’t their core focus atm meaning they can just holt develop on them until they can figure out how to approach it without upsetting the community
The Pale Garden Biome just feels lazy. They basically re-textured a Dark Forest and that’s it.
I can’t be the only one that just sees a panther face in the cape design
I think it’s okay to use the word “Update” for the drops. “Drop” is just the fancy marketing term for “update”.
I am completly fine with it when they get money through caps. We still get updates for free and minecraft is not like other games(lol for example). I think its always a good solution to get extra money through skins. It doesnt make it pay to win and its choice of player if they want to buy it or not.
Regarding capes, it would make more sense to make them be player customisable. Treat them like shields; make a banner and apply it to the cape. I want the cape to complete the skin look.
I get the feeling the cape behind a paywall is a Microsoft thing and that there is more like that to come.