Curious on whats the point of having the world border so far away from where the world starts to destabilize
So 2 billion x 2 billion = 4 quintillion blocks^2 in surface area
Minecraft world is not infinite because the sun goes around it
If it’s 30 million in each direction the length of east to west would be 60 million as well as the direction of north to south. To get the area of the square world we multiply these two 60 million together and we get a world area of 3.6 sextillion
Fun fact: Bedrock has no world border. You can go until the game starts to break.
So Bionic lied? No way YOU are the liar
explaaaaaaaain what is at 2 billion
What happens after 2B?
What is after 2b blocks
Past that is the stripe lands, wheee world generation breaks, and land is cut into small strips of land that progressively turn into nothing