Hey! Can we have our holiday creator back!!
So a bundle is a shulker box, basically, got it. Why did it take so long to develop again?
So can you make these items or do they drop from somewhere
Hola Minecraft soy pato no se si sabes español pero te digo que para mejorar el juego y no digan que es una juego abandonado puedes a ser la actualización del end se que es difícil de a serlo pero confío en Microsoft y mojang que lo harán por favor háganlo realidad
Wow, what a cool idea with the Bag and when will you make a flashlight that you can hold in your hands and glow at night
PLEASE allow a bundle to store all of our tools…mace, axe, pickaxe, etc…
It could even be a special bundle that costs more. A potion bundle would be great as well.