Resin Blocksは、木材や植物由来の強い樹脂のため、非常に耐久性が高く、爆発や火災などの危険から守ることができます。さらに、他のブロックと同様に、ツールを使って採取することができ、再配置することも可能です。
Is that real???
The new flowers should give particle effeck when the bloom. Also hope they will add more flowers, since it’s called the pale GARDEN
Can Eye blossoms be used is Suspicious Stew yet?
There are so many possibilities for Resin Clumps! It could get a new use that will form armor or something like that so players will go to the Pale Garden.
It would be so cool if eyeblossoms only opened when you’re not looking at them
now i wish the trees aren’t dark oak shape and more unique shape also wish the creaking still should do more damage
I wonder if you put eyeblossoms in a cave etc. they’ll stay open due to the perpetual darkness or if they’re always day/night time dependent.
I really hope they allow you to dye the resin bricks
I can imagine there being future parity between this new resin item and both IndustrialCraft and Industrial Foregoing (if they eventually get updated to the same update version that Pale Garden will be added)
Honestly, it’s very cool, I thought Creaking will be a way scarier, but naahhhh, it’s not. Warden for me is still scarier because it can hear you… it’s heartbeat makes me literally run for life.