【マイクラ】肉塊に支配された神の島を大砲撃祭り!「肉塊戦線異常あり」#32【ゆっくり実況マルチ】【Minecraft】【マイクラ軍事】The flesh that hates

【マイクラ】肉塊に支配された神の島を大砲撃祭り!「肉塊戦線異常あり」#32【ゆっくり実況マルチ】【Minecraft】【マイクラ軍事】The flesh that hates

everything!#32 In “Flesh Frontline: Abnormality”, the player takes on the role of a warrior on a mission to eliminate the corrupt and violent world ruled by the flesh. In this episode, the player is joined by a group of friends in a multiplayer session to undertake a massive cannon attack on the island controlled by the flesh.

The story behind this episode is that the God of this world created the flesh to act as his loyal servants, but they rebelled and turned against him. Now, the flesh has taken over the island and unleashed chaos and destruction upon its inhabitants. As a player, it is your mission to take back control of the island and defeat the flesh army.

The multiplayer session begins with the players gathering weapons and supplies to prepare for the assault. They strategize and come up with a plan to use cannons to attack the flesh stronghold. As they make their way to the island, they encounter various obstacles and enemies, but they fight through them with their trusty weapons.

When they finally reach the island, they begin their bombardment from a safe distance. The flesh army retaliates with their own cannons and traps, creating an intense battle between the two sides. The players must be careful and coordinate their attacks to avoid getting overwhelmed by the powerful and numerous flesh minions.

After a long and fierce battle, the players manage to destroy the main fortress and defeat the flesh leader. With their mission accomplished, they celebrate their victory and explore the island to find any remaining flesh creatures to defeat.

Through teamwork and determination, the players were able to successfully reclaim the island from the control of the flesh. This episode showcases the thrilling gameplay and intense action that “Flesh Frontline: Abnormality” has to offer. It also highlights the importance of working together and using strategy in order to overcome challenging enemies.






