The creaking sounds kinda spooky/horror-ish, would be kinda cool to have some genuinely scary elements in the game
Lmao the map thing is already in the game in bedrock
how are you highlighting multiple things
Finally, caves and cliffs part 6
They should update all the biomes they haven’t yet but promised. Its been years.
Cave & Cliffs part 5 is finally coming. sweet
“Bundles of Bravery” got me thinking of a naming scheme like this:
____ of Friendship
____ of Love
____ of Knowledge
____ of Purity
____ of Reliability
Now we need an object that starts with the same letter as the second word. Yes, this is Digimon-coded LMAO.
I dislike mojangs sorta new naming scheme: the breeze, the bogged, the sniffer, the creaking. It sounds uninspired, which I guess is fine cause this is the same game that includes creepers, spiders, and slimes. But I thought that some of the “newer” mobs they’ve added in the past had good naming schemes behind them, for instance husks/drowned/phantoms/end mites/strays. I think some more fotting names for a lot of these mobs takes very little thought but makes them sound tougher or more respectable: the breeze –> wind spirit. The bogged –> swamp lurkers. The sniffer –> archaiadon (like the word archaic, meaning very old). The creaking –> rasper? (Idk I don’t have much to go off of, I just thought of the creaking as some sort of evil mob which makes creaking/scraping sounds, or like they are raspy, hence the name “rasper”) these are just some simple ideas with not much thought behind, idk maybe these names suck but I feel like Minecraft should stay away from adding “the” before every new hostile or neutral mob introduced as it feels uninspired and boring.
“Pale Garden” and “The Creaking” sound like an End biome and a new End-themed mob.
Instead of reworking the promised biomes and adding new structures to the actual empty world, they add biome after biome, over and over again. Disappointing.