Also, for the future incase you do this again, copper (with fortune 3) drops on average 7-8 pieces which is better than diamonds being worth 3 points, and with your fortune 5, it’s definitely MUCH more.
We just going to ignore this moment? 19:08 and 22:07, why did Henry ask to join in?
Can u add another dimention? help me make this top comment
If u don’t have it a good cosmetic mod is the cosmetic armor mod (idk if that’s the name) but it lets u keep the stats of certain armor but wear other armor like if u liked how gold armor looked but want to have the stats of netherite
Bro I been waiting for a new episodeee
Now make a op sword,axe and shovel and maybe hoe but also make op armor like very op armor but ummm byeeeeee
18:28! You found an iron vein! These have huge ammounts of iron
Gun Mod, Zombie apocalypse
What happened to “Beyond The Fog?”
You should add mechs like mining ones