Minecraft summary | マイクラ動画
Minecraft Origins Mod: Dimension Traveller (Custom Origin)
Minecraft Origins Mod: Dimension Traveller (Custom Origin)
ちなみに今も走ってます[マイクラmod] #マイクラ #マインクラフト
[MOD紹介] それ 製作者が言っていいの… #マインクラフト#ゆっくり実況 #shorts
They added DANDY’S WORLD to MINECRAFT?? – Cosplay Livestream
If Minecraft Had Temperature | Cold Sweat Mod
Moving This weekend, wish me luck!
What shaders and texture pack do you used?
3.14 XD
Why am i seeing these cardgen uno glitch things
They’re everywhere
Anyone know what causes this?
Gildedguy origin idea
impact 2…i dont know
icon:gold bar
description:a former painter with a heart of gold,and also armor made of it!
unfamiliar:you dont know how to use bows,crossbows or shields
Gold Rush:GildedGuy’s description says he has armor made of gold,and its true (you always wear unbreakable golden armor)
Determination:your armor’s defense is tied to your willpower (the lower your health is,the more protective your armor is,capping at un-enchanted diamond level)
(i dont have a creative name for this one):you have a red sword that can extend (a sword with increased reach that is textured to look like gildedguy’s sword)
Former Painter:you have a green magic stylus (holding the stylus emits a glow and right clicking with the stylus allows you to wrap people in green glowing strings)
primary:you slash upward with your sword as it extends (example of this move:the same move gildedguy did at the end of the fight in gildedguy vs jade) dealing damage and upward KB
Bog:there’s a meter above your hunger bar that charges slowly,once its fully charged your primary is replaced with gildedguy’s attack in gildedguy vs bog where he spins rapidly around with his sword,the move hits everywhere around you and deals rapid damage but no knockback,using this resets the meter
secondary:you use your stylus to create a glowing green platform made of paint that you can jump on
evolution:kill the ender dragon to become Electrically Charged Gildedguy (gildedguy story 6)
electrically charged gildedguy keeps the passives Gold Rush,Determination,unfimiliar and a changed version of Bog (which i’ll explain later)
Electricity:your armor is electrically charged,allowing you to put electricity into your punches (your punches deal diamond sword level damage,but you cant use a sword)
Lightning Speed:due to the electricity your somehow able to run faster,dunno how that works (infinite speed 1)
Worn out:your armor is deteriorating due to the electricity that its being charged with (determination’s defense boost caps at enchanted iron level)
primary:you dash forward in an instant,dealing damage
Lightning Strike:right clicking fires a blast of lightning from your hand,dealing damage
secondary:you literally do a drop kick,dealing damage and knockback
bog:the same meter and concept except the primary is changed to a combo move,gildedguy dashes forward,then kicks the enemy into the air and repeatedly dashes around them in midair dealing rapid damage
idea:sans remastered (gameplay impact max)
skeleton:due to be a skeleton and having no muscle,you do literally no damage with melee attacks,your hands are too thin to put a shield on your arm so you can’t use them and you cant wear armor comfortably so you never wear armor
failed experiment:due to being a failed experiment,you have one heart
“what? do you think im just gonna stand there and take it?”:due to having only one heart you spent all your free time learning how to dodge,therefore becoming nearly impossible to hit
lazy:due to being lazy,you have an energy bar that drains from dodging and primary attacks
confusion:you’ve never tried to use a bow,and you dont feel like starting now so you cant use a bow
secondary:changes the user’s attack mode
Bone Mode (special cosmetic:8 bones behind you in a ring formation)
primary (bone rush): creates several bones above the user,then fires them downward,each bone deals half a heart of damage
right click (bone wave):creates a line of bones on the floor,stepping on it deals 2 hearts of damage
Blaster Mode (special cosmetic:a blaster on each side of you)
primary (blaster ring):creates 4 small blasters in a + shape that fire,the middle does 3.5 hearts and all the other parts of the beam do 2 hearts
right click (blaster):creates one gaster blaster that fires,doing 2 hearts of damage
Blue Magic Mode (special cosmetic,your left eye glows blue)
primary (bonezone):grabs the npc or player in front of you with blue magic,then throws them upward then downward,then stabs them with bones,dealing 3 hearts
right click(blue magic grab):grabs the npc or player in front of you with blue magic,move your cursor to move the npc/player
left click on any mode (bone throw):throws 3 bones that spread out,each bone does 1 heart of damage,does not activate while breaking a block
evolution:error sans
defeat the ender dragon to gain one weakness,a cosmetic and a new mode
weakness:glitch,every few minutes you lose control of your body completely and the glitchy particles around you intensify,and you stay in the same space even if your in midair
cosmetic:glitchy particles appear around you,and your left eye is yellow instead of blue when you use blue magic mode,anybody who touches the glitchy particles get frozen for 2 seconds,when that happens the glitchy particles disappear for 30 seconds
new mode:String Mode (special cosmetic:blue strings come out of your eyes)
primary (string control):strings come out of your hand and fly forward,anybody hit by these strings lose control of their character and defend you (attack and use their abilities if said abilities are attacks on anybody who hits you)
right click (string web):create a web of strings,blocks any projectile and reflects fireballs
note:as error sans,the energy in your energy bar is cut in half,you only have half as many hearts as a normal player and instead of falling asleep when your energy bar is empty you just lose the ability to dodge and use primaries for 30 seconds
Evolution:ink sans,an alternate route to error sans,kill the wither and right click with the nether star
changes:like error sans,ink sans only has half as many hearts as a normal player,but he doesnt have error sans’s glitches,and his energy is a bit lower than error’s
ink sans’s weakness:every few minutes you vomit ink (drop an ink sac named “vomited ink”) and are stunned for 30 seconds,unlike error sans however,you dont float in midair if it happens in midair meaning if you fell off a cliff and it happened,well…splat
ink sans abilities:
ink sans has a brush,hitting people with the brush deals about as much as a stone sword negating sans’s inability to deal melee damage,hitting without it still doesnt deal damage
hitting shift with the brush in hand turns you into a puddle of ink and allows you to slide around very fast while not being seen
Brush Mode (special cosmetic:a small ink stain on your right cheek)
primary(brush creation):creates a sans that fires bones at enemies,but it doesnt dodge
right click(ink shield):creates a shield of ink infront of you that,unlike error sans’s string web,doesnt bounce back fireballs
Cross sans,a more powerful evolution than both ink and error,get a dragon egg and a nether star,then throw them both on the ground to get an X shaped red item named “code”,right click with the item as normal sans to become cross
cross’s changes:unlike both of the other evolutions,cross’s health is at the max of a vanilla minecraft player but you still cant put on armor,it has dodges that are a very small amount lower than ink’s
cross gets an item named “knife” which has a damage output inbetween an iron sword and stone sword,right clicking with the knife makes you dash forward and slash whoever you come into contact with,dealing medium damage
hitting shift with the knife teleports you forward
Knife Mode (special cosmetic:your left eye glows red,unlike blue magic mode the glow is in the shape of a small X)
primary:fires a large red crescent-shaped projectile forward that does low damage
right click (Act = EraseCode):you stab forward,the stab works like string control only with a bit lower duration
note:for this idea to work,the mod would have to allow multiple dragon eggs to exist at once
congrats on 30 k 🙂