Minecraft summary | マイクラ動画
【マインクラフト/Minecraft】地下室の浴槽作り🐤Making a bath【ホロライブ/不知火フレア】
【マインクラフト/Minecraft】地下室の浴槽作り🐤Making a bath【ホロライブ/不知火フレア】
マイクラガチ勢vs下手勢で経験値集めバトル!裏技を駆使した争奪戦が始まる – マインクラフト
Minecraft Streamer Vs Viewers (TNT Game) 😱 #shorts
【マイクラ】敵の敵は!? fromつづちゃのエンドラ討伐!2024/09/19 #Minecraft #Shorts #rta
サイボーグのスピードランナー vs ハンター軍団 : マイクラで舞園さん vs マイキー!
How fancy/stylish do you want your bathroom facilities to be? Flare: “Yes”. (^▽^)
0:00 Starting with Flare humming to her BGM~
1:04 Cute “Un!” & “Okay!”
1:54 Greeting Pekora in game
2:42 Flare is thinking of playing the Hanako horror game tomorrow
3:00 Start of renovating her bathroom
8:33 Homura appears!
10:00 Test making a transparent entrance
12:28 Flare getting stuck
16:41 Flare doesn’t intend to make a male bathroom
17:24 Flare: “Subaru senpai no バカ!”
23:54 Flare singing Marine’s theme song
25:48 Sacrificing the corals as blocks
27:44 Using shaders to see if the dead corals move
29:36 Flare doing a 1 person play while sleeping
31:25 Building the frame of the garden pond
39:49 Expanding the garden more
43:29 Working on the base of the garden pond
49:29 Putting moss blocks around the sea lanterns
51:16 Pouring water onto the garden pond
54:03 “Tasukarushia”
57:44 Greeting Risu in game
1:00:22 “Achu achu!”
1:00:24 Flare sad that FBK didn’t visit her basement in her minecraft stream yesterday
1:05:35 Growing flowers & plants around the garden pond
1:09:17 Flare confused by Pekora greeting her again
1:09:43 Flare thought Pekora started streaming the same time as her
1:13:23 Making a pathway
1:15:55 Adding lanterns in the garden pond
1:16:53 Looking at the construction thus far via shaders
1:17:19 The pond looks really beautiful!!
1:28:05 Mini water spout for her pond
1:33:10 Flare flying
1:33:58 Flare can’t find any acacia trees
1:37:45 Flare spotting a rabbit, “Konpeko Konpeko Konpeko~”
1:41:00 Building a snowman to farm snow
1:44:34 Marveling at a nicely designed fountain
1:45:13 Making snowman around Holoserver for the festive spirit
1:46:31 The mystery of a snowman not leaving behind any snow trials
1:47:50 Making a snowman at Noel’s floating gyudon place
1:48:15 Flare explains why Noel built a Gyudon near her house
1:52:41 Flare building her bathtub
1:55:52 Suprised by a zombie
1:58:12 Bathtub completed!!
2:02:10 Adding decorations around the bathtub
2:09:38 Making a glass entrance
2:14:06 Building another fancy work
2:20:21 Flare confused as to why her new flooring is burning
2:32:36 Flare made a banner with the wrong colours
2:34:39 Flare flying (2)
2:38:29 Genius Flare makes a mirror using banners
2:41:36 Changing the BGM
2:43:42 Changing the BGM again
2:44:38 Finding the snowman and telling them not to slack off with their work
2:48:00 Flare showing no mercy to a cow
2:49:41 Flare flying (3)
2:52:25 Making the sink
3:04:23 Greeting Moona in game
3:05:40 Flare scared as she almost fell
3:07:04 White wall for the sink
3:08:05 Placing the mirrors on the wall
3:11:07 Flare flying (4)
3:14:51 “Oweuch!!”
3:16:18 “Purple is not my colour! Iya da Iya da~”
3:19:26 The Sink is completed!
3:28:16 Beautifying the area around the sink more
3:36:12 Combining lanterns with end rods
3:45:06 “What should I do? Minna~”
3:51:48 Beautifying the area around the bathtub
3:55:45 “Mumumumumu!” (Kawaii~)
4:00:31 “Mumumumumumumu~”
4:02:26 Placing corals at the sink entrance
4:02:54 “Is this ecchi?”
4:03:49 Changing the coral colour to yellow
4:03:59 Flare putting sea pickles and laughing
4:08:55 Mini shower area completed!
4:11:54 “Gununununu”
4:13:28 Flare embarassed that she typed “zzzzz” when she’s the only one left in the server
4:18:56 Flare flying (5)
4:21:10 Wood as part of the bathtub walls
4:22:10 Low voice Flare: “Iya da na~”
4:22:56 Framed picture on the wall to make the area look nicer
4:27:32 Flare notices Pekora’s art
4:30:10 The upgraded bathtub is completed~
4:31:51 Looking at her buildings thus far via shader
4:39:53 The water overflows to her garden and Flare cries
4:43:26 Glass ceiling for the garden pond
4:44:43 Flare falling and screaming “Hwhats!!”
4:48:22 Water celing looking good!!
4:52:51 Checking on the progress on the water ceiling
5:02:09 Water ceiling is completed!!
5:04:31 Replanting the flowers & grasses that was destroyed prior
5:07:11 Flare discovers diamond unintentionally while farming for obsidian
5:09:31 Only 2 diamond blocks. Flare: “Shike!”
5:11:24 “Uwow!”
5:15:55 Flare’s probably playing the horror game “Hanako” tomorrow
5:16:49 Flare’s usual message
There are many more Noteworthy moments in the stream, be sure to check it in full~!
thank you for the stream flare-chan! it was fun and calming
Real Fancy Elf Hours
Another chilled night stream by Flare. Doing some interior design..
4:27:32 Flare first encounter with *Black* Kensetsu Logo…