Minecraft summary | マイクラ動画
【マインクラフト】洋風な家の作り方 – 建築講座 #DeerBuild
【マインクラフト】洋風な家の作り方 - 建築講座 #DeerBuild
【マイクラ 建築 ネザー】マイクラJava版 ネザー(地獄)で建築ショートバージョン マイクラ #minecraft #マインクラフト #マイクラ建築
ピグリン要塞攻略!建築もするぞ?2025年03月28日 #minecraft
【マイクラ】No.46 サバイバル鯖建築 そろそろ建築 カゲクラシ2nd~のんびりサバイバル~25.3.27 【Vtuber/奏田ケーコーラ】
materials list
oak log 19
oak planks 2stack+62
oak stairs 9
oak slab 3
oak trapdoor 36
oak door 1
oak gate 2
spruce log 4
spruce planks 41
spruce stairs 11
spruce slab 16
spruce trapdoor 1stack+8
spruce door 3
spruce fence 29
spruce gate 11
spruce sign 4
lantern 7
barrel 7
crafting table 1
campfire 4
chest 15
enderchest 1
radder 2
string 7
tripwire fook 1
lever 1
oak pressure plate 1
bed 4
white wool 2stack+1
glass 58
stone 6
stone stairs 3
stone slab 34
andesite 26
andesite wall 9
polished andesite 4
stoneblicks 24
cobblestone 39
furnace 1
smoker 2
cauldron 1
coarse dirt 2stack+10
gravel 4
leaves 15
splants ~
ディアくん〜!!今回の家作ったよ〜!!すごくオシャレだし分かりやすいから早く作れたよ〜!! おつかれサンダー\(^o^)/
家もそうだけど にわもすごいなー
Мне понравилось:)
You are sooo good at building!
Brazillian here!
omg i got back from uni to see u uploaded a vid!! im so excitedddd <3<3<3<3<3
This is a very charming house. The design is simple, yet tasteful, and the overall interior layout is nicely done. That said, I do have a few points of constructive criticism. Let me be clear though, none of this is to mean that I don’t like it; I do like it quite a lot, and all of these comments are things the player may choose to do on their own if they do desire. With that said, here we go:
1. The placement of the chimney, while it looks nice, makes no functional sense. There is nothing connecting it to a fireplace or vents from the furnaces, nor connecting it through the upper floor. It’s just a decorative item stuck onto the roof. My idea would be to shift it over to the far edge of the roof and connect it to a fireplace or similar so that it at least looks like it has a purpose for being there.
2. The use of white wool as a wall material is rather old fashioned for Minecraft. I can see some advantages to it, particularly as a viable alternative for players who don’t have access to any sort of skeleton farm and thus can’t get large amounts of white terracotta or concrete, or even bone blocks if you want some added texture. If the biome allows it and if you’re careful with lighting placement, one could even use snow blocks. But overall, I’d argue that the use of wool for walls is so 2014, and that Minecraft architecture, even for simple houses like this, has moved on from that.
3. The inefficient use of space in room designs. This is most evident on the ground floor where the main room is dominated by a nicely made but also huge dining table. There really is no need for such a large furniture piece in such a small house. Even as seen in this video, it is awkward to walk around and leaves a room that is otherwise remarkably open for its size feeling cramped and claustrophobic. A better idea might be some form of sofa or lounge seating to still give a comfortable homely air while focusing more on the kitchenette part to the back, which should at least have a crafting table and either a furnace or a blast furnace/smoker combo.
3a. Similarly, while not as bad, the upstairs bedrooms could be better utilized as well. When dealing with rooms this small, a massive double bed with headboard that fills the whole room by itself is really not the best way to go. A smaller single bed with a trapdoor footboard will do the job just fine while freeing up more space for other things like decoration, armor stands, etc.
4. Expansions. This is less a criticism and more an observation, and actually a major plus side to this house. Thanks to its simple design and style, it lends itself very well to expansion by the player. I’ve seen at least one person comment that they wanted a bathroom, and I can easily see where one would add on another room for that purpose. Likewise, a library/enchanting room could fit very well to the right of the foyer, with a potions room extending off the back to break up the rectangular footprint. More lateral expansion could also mean more farmland for a greater variety of crops, or more green space for trees and flowers.
What I’m trying to get across is that while this house is not perfect and has what I might consider a couple serious issues, such as the nonsensical chimney placement and the outdated wall material, it also has some very good aspects to it as well. From here, it’s up to the player to unlock its true potential.
*i love your videos, they’re amazing!*
This one is so lovely.
Me encantan las casas que haces!
Konichiwa Deer 🙂